Nancy Hallberg leads the enterprise-wide marketing strategy for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), developing programs to help the organization boost its growth, increase visibility and support, and be positioned as a world-class cancer nonprofit. She directs an integrated marketing team that operates in all channels – digital, social, print, broadcast, email and direct response. The team supports all fundraising activity as well as patient outreach and education.
Her career has been devoted to building relationships between consumers and brands, embracing new channels that have allowed a more direct and engaging dialogue. She previously headed marketing teams at The Taunton Press, Bonnier, and Time Inc., Consumer Research at Condé Nast Publications, and led business strategy and marketing planning efforts for brand-name clients with both J. Walter Thompson and Young & Rubicam.
She holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, with a major in marketing.